The Circular Dorking Blog
Small Steps Big Impact
Have you got truckloads of old computer and tech equipment?
26 April 2023
How many cupboards full of old computer and tech items do we have at home and in the workplace?
more...Dorking Repair Café
10 April 2023
On the first Saturday of each month from 10.30am until 1.00pm the Repair Cafe operates from the back hall of the Dorking Christian Centre.
more...15 Mile Foods
21 March 2023
15 Miles Foods, as the name suggests, grows food that is supplied within 15 miles from soil to fork.
more...The Great British Spring Clean 2023
18 March 2023
In a recent litter pick in Dorking, one square metre of grass verge was found to have 18 pieces of small plastic.
more...Mid Surrey Community Fridges CIC
18 November 2022
It is a site where local people can share food, this includes surplus from supermarkets, local food businesses, producers, households and gardens.
27 October 2022
So, is a ‘Circular Economy’ anti-growth? (as some people assume)? Absolutely NOT, one hundred percent!
more...FoodFloat Community Interest Company
26 October 2022
Local food for local people from local supplier/producers and involving the local community.