Eco-friendly Books for schools
About our books page
We are so happy to be working with Heath books, who are based in North Cheam, to help schools find books to suit their curriculum needs. It is our intent to signpost conservation and sustainability books in order to make life easier for schools.
How it works
Below you will find books to suit learning about current key topics like sustainability and conservation which have been built around popular awareness days. The books have been collated into specific sets for each awareness day although the books are perfectly suitable for use all year round.
All the books are discounted for schools. If you cannot find quite what you are looking for, please do get in touch. Heath Books have a showroom team and can create you a bespoke list to fit the subject/s, age range/s and budget you require.
As well as these lists specifically created for Circular Dorking’s goals Heath Books curate lists for other Awareness Days which you can find on their website.
If you want to know more please contact Monica
Early Years and Primary Schools
Click on button for more information or to go directly to the books.
Secondary Schools and Sixth Form
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