
Members of Circular Dorking

Working together to create a regenerative and distributive local economy

Our members fall into various categories; local businesses, community organisations and those we collaborate with to exchange ideas and share information.

Small steps with big aims

Some members are already doing incredible things to work towards and bolster a sustainable local economy. Others are very much at the starting point of a journey to become more sustainable. The common thread is that we all have a desire to improve and work together as a community. Collaboration is not only vital, it also enables us to learn from each other and share ideas.

There is an obvious need to strive towards net zero and care more about our planet, but there is also a need to care about the people around us and protect social foundations. To look after health and wellbeing, protect the vulnerable, help those in need and create a local voice.

We are a mixed bunch, but we share common goals! Browse through the list below and see what our members are involved in. Use their services, share what they are doing, volunteer or join in!

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Community Organisations

At ALDAG our mission is to promote the inclusion of people with learning disabilities into their local community.
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CHiP - Community Hub in Pippbrook (House)
CHiP – Community Hub in Pippbrook (House)
CHiP passionately believes Pippbrook House should remain in public hands for the enjoyment of future generations.
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Dorking Area Foodbank
Dorking Area Foodbank
Helping to provide food to those in need
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Dorking Christian Centre
Dorking Christian Centre
Community Centre at the very heart of Dorking, offering a variety of activities & services.
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Dorking Climate Emergency
Dorking Climate Emergency
Raising awareness of the risks of climate change, and focusing upon actions to help address it.
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Dorking Community Orchard
Dorking Community Orchard
Dorking Community Orchard is a volunteer-run community group which grows, picks, presses and markets fruit.
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Dorking Library
Dorking Library
Dorking Library is a vital heart of our Dorking Community
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Dorking Men
Dorking Men’s Shed
Men’s Shed is a community space for men to connect, converse and create.
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Dorking Minds
Dorking Minds
The Dorking Mental Health Project
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Dorking Museum
Dorking Museum
Dorking Museum & Heritage Centre a local independent museum – funded by donations.
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Dorking Repair Café
Dorking Repair Café
Skilled volunteers will do their very best to repair various household items
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Dorking Rotary
Dorking Rotary
We are part of an international organisation providing a range of volunteer and social activities, including fund-raising for charities
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Dorking Solar Group
Dorking Solar Group
Helping people and businesses make the move to solarPV electricity.
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Dorking U3A
Dorking U3A
Join our vibrant friendly and inclusive organisation
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Friends of Dorking
Friends of Dorking
The Friends of Dorking are a small voluntary group who organise and fundraise for the Dorking Christmas lights and Summer hanging baskets
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Green Westcott
Green Westcott
Local community groups focused on green issues.
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Greenpeace Surrey
Greenpeace Surrey
We’re a friendly active group of people living all across Surrey who do street campaign work, peaceful direct action.
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Mid Surrey Community Fridges
Mid Surrey Community Fridges
We believe no food should go to waste.
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Mole Valley Cycling Forum
Mole Valley Cycling Forum
Mole Valley residents linked by a desire to facilitate the use of bikes for recreation & transport.
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Patchworking Garden Project
Patchworking Garden Project
We are a gardening charity with a focus on wellbeing
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Pippfest is an annual festival of music, art, crafts, food & lots more at Pippbrook House, Dorking.
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PSDS is a charity dedicated to providing support for children and young people with Down syndrome and their families.
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River Mole River Watch
River Mole River Watch
A campaigning group to restore the upper River Mole to its former unpolluted beauty.
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Surrey Federation of WIs
Surrey Federation of WIs
The WI is an organisation run by women, for women.
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The Brigitte Trust
The Brigitte Trust
An independent Dorking based charity offering a free service of emotional support and practical help from trained and supported volunteers.
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The Community Wardrobe
The Community Wardrobe
Open Friday 10am – 1pm Dorking Christian Centre
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Transition Ashtead
Transition Ashtead
Transition Ashtead is a small group of local people…
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Transition Dorking
Transition Dorking
Transition Dorking was established in 2008. We seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups or as wider communities.
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Westcott Village Hub
Westcott Village Hub
Fostering connections within the community.
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