Circular Dorking Projects
South Street Gardens Memorial Project

Hello, and thank you for your interest in the War Memorial garden renovation
This community gardening project will renovate the area around South Street War Memorial in honour of the 80thAnniversary of the end of World War II. It will begin in March and run until the end of October 2025. It’s funded by a small grant from Mole Valley as part of their UKSPF allocation from central government. This pays for the plants and essential equipment.
Volunteering opportunities will begin in April and offer a selection of sessions and activities. We aim to have fun and a sense of achievement as the transformation happens. If you are interested in volunteering please email us on the link below.
You can join a single or several sessions if you wish, but places are limited because this is a short project with seasonal deadlines. Each session will have the Project Leader, and a Working Party of up to 6 people, with a clear goal to progress.
What tasks are involved?
- Clearance of the three Beds. Cutting down and digging out unwanted shrubs, removing ground ivy, processing this waste vegetation into bags for collection
- Pruning some retained shrubs, digging out a few plants to reserve and relocate
- Planting new shrubs and smaller plants during April and May
- Laying mulch
- Sowing seeds in May
- Establishment and maintenance watering, deadheading, and light pruning if needed to shape, from April until end of November
- Sowing a second batch of seeds in September
- Planting bulbs from September to late October
What knowledge and abilities do I need?
Not all tasks need ‘green fingers’; some of the early clearance is more ‘green gym’. You will join one or more sessions that match your capabilities, by arrangement with the Project Leader.
More strenuous activities will be digging and lifting to remove mature bushes, hauling waste bags, moving new shrubs into position, moving small rocks, placing compost or mulch, and positioning the new water tanks when delivered (a two person per unit task). There will also be sawing and lopping. Lighter tasks and gardening knowhow are needed after the clearance.
Safety and accessibility
The area will involve working on some slopes and uneven ground; only one bed is level. For the heavier work, you will need to have experience of safe handling methods. We will use hand tools, including pruning saws, loppers, and secateurs.
If you are interested in volunteering please
We look forward to Springing into action, hopefully with your help!
Project managed by Jacqui.
Dorking initiative funded by Government through Mole Valley District Council.
Thank you to Wild by Design for help on the site survey.