Circular Dorking Projects

Working towards a sustainable region

Circular Dorking Great Big Green Week Event 2024

8 – 16 JUNE • Let’s swap together for good

The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Every year, people come together to unleash a wave of support for action to protect the planet. Tens of thousands of people in every corner of the country celebrate the heartfelt, brave, everyday actions being taken to stand up for nature and fight climate change, through all kinds of Great Big Green Week events.

The National Great Big Green Week theme for 2024 is “Let’s swap together for good” 

You can find out more about Great Big Green Week here.

Events can incorporate clothes or book swaps, skill swaps in allotments or repair cafés, knowledge swaps about climate change, or promote habits we can swap to play our part in protecting the planet.

which will bring together community groups, local organisations and businesses and residents who live in and around Dorking. We are also working with Dorking Town Partnership to encourage businesses throughout the town to get involved in Great Big Green Week in their own premises.

Circular Dorking’s event on 15th June, plus our communications and promotion leading up to it, will focus on…

We’d love to have stalls in St Martins Walk or shops/businesses in the town where items (including books and clothes) can be SWAPPED.

Organisations can also build their Great Big Green Week presence around SWITCHING habits – such as walking to work instead of driving, or buying locally grown instead of flown produce. There are lots of easy small switches we can all make which together make a big difference.

Or your involvement might focus on SHARING information, advice, volunteering or skills which help us all to be more eco-aware or nature focused.

You can find out more about Circular Dorking’s plans for Great Big Green Week and our event on 15th June in particular by contacting us.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stand up for sustainability. Join us for Great Big Green. Check our events pages for all of the activities.

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