Dorking U3A
Learning co-operative for all
Join our vibrant friendly and inclusive organisation
The University of the Third Age (U3A) is an international movement whose aims are the education and stimulation of mainly retired members of the community — those in their third ‘age’ of life.
The ‘university’ has no campus, no paid staff, no entry qualifications, no exams and no awards; it is a learning co-operative with the central task of organising a range of study and interest groups that are run by members. No qualifications are required and anyone in their ‘third age’ can join.
Around 600 people in Dorking and its surrounding villages are members of our thriving u3a, now in its 33rd year – and more are joining all the time.
The u3a movement is a vibrant, friendly and inclusive organisation that provides opportunities for everyone no longer in full-time work or raising a family to meet new people and enjoy exploring a wide variety of interests at low cost. There are now more than 1,000 u3as across the UK, each run independently by its own members under the umbrella of the national Third Age Trust.