Small Steps Big Impact
Business and community led initiatives to inspire a sustainable local economy

Our Aims:
To encourage Dorking and the surrounding area to:
- Become more sustainable.
- Look at ways to enlarge a local sustainable economy.
- Increase its resilience through the promotion of circular economics (more efficiency, less waste, reuse more, less transport, keeping money local and developing an innovative and future facing community).
- Enhance and develop the community ethos of Dorking by encouraging and educating individuals to embrace the Circular Dorking way of living.
- Provide a blueprint for other groups who wish to do the same.

- Creating a competitive advantage for businesses which anticipates demand for greater sustainability and waste minimisation.
- Increasing footfall by promoting Dorking as a growing circular economy.
- Positioning Dorking as an innovative future-focused town, attractive to live in, work and do business in, which creates a better and healthier environment for all.

Some ideas:
- Circular Dorking signs at entrances to Dorking.
- Circular Dorking signs in business windows to indicate pledge/involvement.
- Checklist where businesses tick what they are doing, NOT an accreditation scheme.
- Involve the considerable number of community groups which already exist.
- Find out what similar groups have done and reach out to them for advice.
- Participate in and organise events/give talks.
- Help signpost information for businesses and individuals.
- Help businesses share their knowledge and actions of proactive sustainability to show how it can be a competitive advantage.

Led by a steering group, but with an emphasis on wide-scale participation and contributions from anyone who agrees with Circular Dorking’s aims.
- Community and business led.
- Action focused.
- Apolitical – not affiliated to any political party.

Led by a steering group, but with an emphasis on wide-scale participation and contributions from anyone who agrees with Circular Dorking’s aims.
Would you like to be part of Circular Dorking or do you have ideas to contribute?