Circular Dorking Projects
Schools – World Book Day 2025

Books distributed free to local schools
Taylor Swift
Matilda, Roald Dahl
Circular Dorking schools’ team selected some World Book Day Books to offer our local Schools so they can pass on to children who would love to have their own special book this World Book Day. This has been kindly funded by Circular Dorking so that it is completely free to schools.
This project was made simple through Surrey based school supplier Heath Books.
Heath’s is a family run business that’s been supplying books to schools since 1991. Based in Sutton, they are one of the leading specialist school book suppliers in the UK.
Their education showroom, where visitors can meet experienced staff who know how to find the right resources for teachers and their students, showcases books for readers from EYFS – Sixth Form.
The showroom team at Heath books helped us select our World Book Day titles which were then offered to five local primary schools to help them celebrate World Book Day. The Circular Dorking schools’ team then got to work packing and distributing a total of 450 books to local school pupils.
We look forward to hearing what they think of them!