The Circular Dorking Blog
Dorking Repair Café
10th April 2023

Repair to Reuse
Open first Saturday in the month
On the first Saturday of each month from 10.30am until 1.00pm the Repair Cafe operates from the back hall of the Dorking Christian Centre. Although it began with just repairs to textiles and clothing, it can now deal with repairs to electrical, mechanical, tech, textiles, clothing and bicycles. They have just added the capacity to repair leather goods. If the volunteers cannot repair an item they can often identify the parts needed and organisations that might be able to do so. At worst they are able to explain why an item might no longer be repairable.
Support from Dorking Rotary
Rotary International is committed to supporting positive environmental initiatives. With this in mind Rotary in Dorking was delighted to make a donation to the Dorking Repair Cafe. The Repair Cafe is entirely dependent on voluntary donations and this additional funding will help with insurance as well as other running costs.
A growing network
The Dorking Repair Café is part of a growing network of repair cafes, shops and organisations across the country. Good for the environment and good for the pocket, they also contribute to community cohesion. So, if you have something that is broken, see if you can get it fixed at the Dorking Repair Cafe!
More info
To find out more or to help the Repair Café, please email Jacqui.