The Circular Dorking Blog
The Great British Spring Clean 2023
18th March 2023

Let’s Keep Our Local Community Tidy
Plastic litter is becoming a real problem. In a recent litter pick in Dorking, one square metre of grass verge was found to have 18 pieces of small plastic. Ultimately much of this will find its way via surface water drainage into our rivers. Then over decades (even centuries) it will break down into hundreds or thousands of tiny pieces, impacting biodiversity and entering the human food chain. Not good!
We can all play a part in reducing this growing risk. Communities can make a big impact.
Why bother?
Tidying our local community has so many benefits: it looks more attractive, it’s better for the environment/biodiversity, better for the rivers/seas, better for our local economy and footfall, it can be a fun social event and makes us proud of our local area and hence happier. What could be more important?
So how about joining in?
Make your pledge as an individual or a group or a school for the campaign period 17 March to 2 April. Then see if you can sustain it into the future.
In March, Fairfield Drive community group are doing a deep litter pick in their street.
In April the 1st Dorking Scout group will do a litter pick and weeding in Dorking High Street.
Plus lots more going on, in our wonderful community.
Dorking Rotary group regularly do litter picking sessions- contact to join in.