The Circular Dorking Blog
Dorking Library celebrating Green Libraries Week
11th October 2024

Happy Libraries Week!
We’re Sarah and Peta. We’re both keen green advocates and jumped at the opportunity to become Green Champions for the Library service. The role sits on top of our main library roles, Sarah is Group Manager for the Dorking area and Peta a Web content manager, between us we hope to provide a cohesive approach to the role of Green Champions.
The Green Libraries Manifesto
This year, we are very pleased to announce that Surrey Libraries signed the Green Libraries Manifesto, confirming our commitment to bring sustainability to the heart of our decision making.
The Manifesto arose from our membership of the Green Libraries Partnership, which was set up in 2022 to support libraries and local authorities with their drive towards net zero.
Comprising 7 pledges, the Manifesto includes commitments to work with our communities and partners, to grow and share our knowledge, to innovate and evolve, and to support children and young people to ensure that their voices are heard in the environmental debate.
We are working to use our unique position as an inclusive and welcoming space at the heart of our communities to enable discussion, provide trusted information, and inspire positive action.
What’s been happening!
This year has seen a diverse range of events and activities with a ‘green’ theme across our branches for all ages, from a first theatre performance of ‘Dig’ in Haslemere Library by the Pied Piper Theatre Company, bringing to life the world of growing plants for the under 5’s, to junk modelling, composting talks, and making bug hotels!
We are working with partners such as the Council’s Greener Futures team and more recently with Circular Dorking to set up our latest Library of Things to join those already running at Godalming, Guildford and Haslemere.
In the last year, Sarah has co-ordinated promotion of Great Big Green Week, Tree giveaways and the Remarkable World of Trees exhibition.
Promoting Green initiatives in libraries
Peta makes sure that any green events and initiatives are promoted across our library website, and also ensured that our Green services have a dedicated space on the web site. She also makes sure that our other services are drawn into green services promotions, for example ‘green’ eBook reading suggestions and making sure our green services get mentioned in the eNewsletter regularly.
Shared by Dorking Library
Authors Sarah and Peta
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